Wisconsin – A Retrospective

While it remains to be seen if the public sector unions in Wisconsin can (re)build a political movement based on coercion and extortion, it’s worth remembering that they’d have no chance of doing so without help from their friend in the working press.  Let’s a take a little trip down memory lane, so close it almost seems like yesterday:

Walker = Hitler + Mubarak

Walker = Nazism

Another Party Crushed the Unions

Attack FreedomWorks’ Tabitha Hale

Door Panel Smashed In

Damage to Door Handles

Protesters re-take the Wisconsin Capitol

Wisconsin GOP Senator Glenn Grothman chased, trapped by hecklers, saved by Dem. Rep. Brett Hulsey

Wisconsin Union Wisconsin Republican senators leave through secret tunnel after march 9th vote

Chances are, unless you were reading Ann Alhouse’s blog or Instapundit you didn’t know about much of this. That, combined with the national media blackout on the death threats against Wisconsin Republicans, and the protestors who’ve taken to taking down license plate numbers of their political opponents, constitutes the sort of propaganda that money literally can’t buy.

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