This afternoon, I had a chance to tour the YMCA’s Youth In Government program in action. This week is their annual mock state government here in Denver, and none other than the Governor himself, Dalton Curry, showed me around. Rep. Ellen Roberts had mentioned her support of the program when we interviewed her on the RMA’s Blog Talk Radio show. The students model the whole legislative process, from committee work to floor sessions, with a Supreme Court to rule on Constitutionality. From what I heard and saw, they took it pretty seriously, from drafting bills to the floor debate. They get to meet in the actual committee rooms, the actual Senate and House chambers, and the Supreme Court meets in the Old Supreme Court Chambers.
At the end of the session, the delegates elect the officers for the following year, including the governor and lt. governor, which makes it more of a parliamentary system, I suppose.
Back in high school, when I still thought the UN was worth something, I participated in the Model UN program. This seems to be a more worth endeavor.