The Virginia GOP’s ability to adapt is one reason it’s getting ready to mop the floor with the Virginia Democrats in less than a week. If the Colorado party is going to do the same, it’s going to have to…do the same. Which is one reason that it’s cool to see the party attracting the Hispanic community.
Right now, the Denver party’s 2nd Vice Chairman is Frank Tijerina, and I learned just last night that Edgar Antillon is running in HD-35 this cycle. Add to that recently announced Robert Ramirez in Westminster’s HD-29, and it’s clear that the party will have a more Hispanic face in the future. Frank’s is high-powered, and I look forward to working with him here in Denver.
Edgar was actually pretty funny, stepping up to the platform and starting his speech in Spanish, only to interrupt himself, with “Just kidding.” Brought everyone up short with a good laugh. I’m not a fan of identity politics per se, but Edgar’s running as a Republican who also is Hispanic, not as a Hispanic who happens to be a Republican, and that really makes all the difference.