The Romney campaign came out today with its recommendations (called, a “Unity Slate”) for the CD-6 and CD-7 Assemblies. Naturally, there’s been some grumbling that this represents yet another attempt by the establishment RINOs to dictate party policy or votes, or something, but in fact, it just represents commonsense politics and smart strategy on the part of the campaign.
First, it was the campaign, on the advice of the campaign’s higher-level volunteers, who selected these folks. It doesn’t have anything to do with the party apparatus per se.
Consider the alternative. It’s entirely reasonable for the Romney people to believe that the Ron Paul folks have a slate, but are circulating it among themselves. If the campaign didn’t promote a slate, it’s entirely possible, even likely, that they could have a plurality of the pledged delegates, and walk away with a minority, or even very few, of the delegates to national. Selecting a slate is a perfectly sensible way for the campaign to concentrate its delegates’ votes on a set of reliable delegates whom the party faithful can have confidence in when it comes time to vote in Tampa, and it’s also a way to highlight leaders in the party who can rally support to the candidate.
I’m neither part of the apparatus, nor a high-level volunteer, nor even a candidate for the national convention, and I was hoping the campaign would pick a slate for its delegates to focus on. Any campaign should. My understanding that those with long service in the party would get the nod over relative newcomers like myself was the reason I didn’t run.
So I would assume that the campaign will also suggest slates for CD-1 and State Assembly this weekend.
Just because the balloting process is open and transparent doesn’t mean that campaigns shouldn’t have strategies, or that they should broadcast them to their opposition.