
So this is what Spring in the midwest is like.

Or rather, was like.

When I flew back in after Passover, two weeks ago, almost all of the trees were still leafless, although a few of the shrubs has started to wake up a little bit.  Then – whooomph! – inside of 10 days, everything went green, all at once. The trees had leaves, and most of them had full heads of hair, not little bits and pieces of foliage peeking through.  The magnolias, dogwood, plums, crabapples, all bloomed.  The lilacs were out.  It was still coolish driving into work, and while it was a little hot for the 5-mile Shabbat walk along the Big Papio Trail, overall, still pleasant.

Sunday night, Summer showed up.  When I drove into work at 8:30, someone had forgotten to turn off the burner, and it was humid enough that I was almost to turn on the car, lest the air intake get flooded.  Today: 97.  I know, I know.  I was also the one complaining that it took 2 weeks for the temperature to break freezing when I moved out here four months ago.  No pleasing some people.

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