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Elden Moves to Denver

OK, so he’s not painting the Sistine Chapel on the ceiling.  But after a week’s worth of painting, we almost have one room done.  Closets, bits of ceiling, and one room, except for the baseboard, which naturally continues to render the room unusable.  All of this means that we’re still living out of boxes.  The most commonly-heard reply to the oft-asked question,” do we have…?” is, “yes, it’s in a box somewhere.”  Less would be in boxes somewhere if we could actually get a room – any room – where we could move the furniture up against the walls, take off the tarps, and start actually using the room.

This isn’t the first painter we’ve retained.  The first painter we retained walked off with over $700 in money that was intended for paint, and pre-payments of various yard chores.  This painter isn’t dishonest at all, just painfully slow.

That’s also the reason why we’re painting after having redone the long-suffering floors, a high-risk operation if every there was one.  Initially, we had everything timed so that the painting would be done just before I left to go drive truck 1800 miles from NY, the floors would be done during the drive, and we would arrive home to a new house.

Instead, it’s camping out indoors with the Sharfs.  But the dogs find the various floor-level permutations endlessly fascinating.

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