...as bad publicity. From this morning's Rocky:
Congressional candidate Mike Coffman's campaign on Tuesday informed Sinclair they were going to return her campaign donations because of an interview she gave where she called Israel "an occupier."
Which is like saying that some Democrats are upset about a church meeting where Jeremiah Wright wore a suit. It's technically true, but it misses the point.
Here's the transcript. "Occupiers," is the least of it. "Baby-killers," "Saddam Hussein," better describe the tenor of the piece.
There is also video of the interview. The whole thing's worth watching, but the real fun starts around 2:30 or so.
You want proof? This is Barakat's record. The original post that started it all, link-filled with references to her activities is here.
I don't blame Lynn Bartels for not wanting to get into the tall grass of the Israel-Palestinian dispute. She's a political reporter, not on the foreign desk. But there is much, much more to Barakat's activities than one arguable statement in one interview.
I can be reached at jsharf@jsharf.com
It was pointed out in the comments at this blog that 24 Palestinian civilians die for every Israeli civilian who dies, and I was wondering if you had any comments about that in light of your angry denunciation of Rima Barakat Sinclair.
Response: Not angry. Maybe a denunciation. Her words, and links to her activities.
It also has been pointed out that the earth is flat and that the moon is made of green cheese. Beyond that, I prefer not to debate anonymous commenters quoting not-credible numbers from unnamed sources.
Posted by: Question | April 7, 2008 12:57 PM