$691,000 Per Job

Although the Denver Post doesn’t do the math, that’s how much each job created in Colorado has cost the Federal Government, er, you.

$583 million in Recovery Act funds have flowed to 96 different companies, individuals and other entities such as housing authorities.

Though Colorado was ranked as the top job creator among states — given TeleTech’s hiring of 4,231 people to staff a series of call centers — only 379 of those employees worked in Englewood. The rest were scattered throughout the country, such as in London, Ky., and Ocala, Fla.

So, it’s not 4695 jobs, it’s 843 jobs here in Colorado, and that’s if we include the 379 that have since gone away from TeleTech.

$583 million spent, 843 jobs.  Quite a deal you made for us there, Rep. DeGette and Sen. Bennet.

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